Marland Monday: Oh Pal, Oh Toots, We’re Going To Miss You So Much

Jennifer Kathleen Gibbons
5 min readApr 11, 2022


Monday Monday, and that means it’s…

Marland Monday!

I think you know the spiel: Every Monday I look back on the career of Douglas Marland. Today is bittersweet. We lost another GOAT. I’m embarrassed to say this, but I’m still crushed about this one.

Bob has graying hair and is wearing a tuxedo. Kim has black hair and wearing a white blouse that has a bow. She also has earrings on.
Friends in Love

For thirty-eight years, Kathryn Hays played Kimberly Sullivan Reynolds Dixon Stewart Andropoulos Hughes, one of its best characters, and was connected to two main families (she had married Dan Stewart, then years later married Bob Hughes) Two of her stepdaughters were played (at separate times) by Meg Ryan and Julianne Moore. She also gave advice to Marcy, played by Marissa Tomei. She was independent, tough, and kind. She was likely to call you “toots” “kiddo” or “pal.” Because it’s MM, I want to concentrate on the storylines he wrote for Hays, because he helped her to shine.

Someone To Watch Over Me

After Bob and Kim were married for a while, Kim started to get apricot roses, her favorite. Then she received a locket, which had an old photo of her when she was a caberet singer. Then it was a paperweight with a pink feather inside it-the pink feather was from a boa Kim used to wear while singing. A hankerchief. Then a lamb figurine appeared. Finally, a key. All the while, several Oakdale citizens were suddenly dying. Kevin Gibson, Frannie Hughes’ boyfriend (Steven Weber) was the suspect. But anyone familar with a Gerswin tune could put together clues: Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb? Although he may not be the man/Some girls think of as handsome/To my heart he carries the key. I don’t want to give away what happened, but it was one of the best mysteries I ever saw.

Bob, Kim and Detective Hal Munson figuring out the evidence

Welcome to the World, Christopher Hughes the Second!

While Kim was dealing with her stalker, she found out interesting news: she was pregnant! Delighted, her and Bob planned for the baby. It became emotional when patriarch Chris Hughes died (reflecting the death of actor Don MacLaughlin) Kim and Bob knew there was no question: if their baby was a boy, he would be named Chris. A month later, Christopher Hughes the second was born at the Hughes cabin with Dr. Casey Peretti (Bill Shanks) helping with the delivery.

Twenty-One Years Later, It’s a Girl!

I wrote two months ago another of my favorite storylines happened thirty-five years ago. One of the things I loved about the storyline was how it affected all the characters. Frannie was upset she wasn’t the only daughter anymore in her father’s life. John and Kim had bitter fights, causing son Andrew (Scott DeFreitas) to rebel. Niece Barbara was hurt that her beloved aunt Kim could be careless with Barbara’s mother Jennifer’s feelings (Jennifer was also Kim’s sister. Oh, what a soap opera) After many microagressions/barbs made by Barbara, Kim finally let her have it:

Kim: Bob and I are going back to London and we’re bringing back Sabrina, for good this time.

Barbara: Oh yeah, so I hear.

Kim: Barbara, I think I’ve been very patient. I really don’t want to hear anymore of your resentment of Sabrina.

Barbara: I am doing the best I can.

Kim: Well maybe you are, but it’s not good enough. I will not let my daughter feel uncomfortable in her own home. And if you can’t acccept Sabrina, then you have to consider you are not welcome here until you can.

Barbara: You mean that?

Kim: I most certainly do.

Barbara: Look Kim, it’s not my fault you made a mistake with Bob when he was married to my mother…

Kim: Just a minute. Just a minute. I don’t want to hear the word mistake again, you understand that? Not in reference to Sabrina or my feelings for Bob. Jennifer (Barbara’s mom) forgave us. Sabrina was conceived out of love. Not guilt. Love. So I don’t want to hear any more about mistakes. Is that perfectly clear?

Oh it was clear.

Kim Hughes is Talking

When John eloped with Lucinda Walsh, Lucinda came up with a new career for Kim: a talk show host. Lucinda owned WOAK, which I think was the only TV station in town. Kim wasn’t doing “Who’s the Daddy” episodes though. She kept it classy, talking to Oakdale ciitzens about social issues, or how they dealt with problems. She was remembering her spirit before Oprah found hers.

Andy D: Portrait of a Teenage Alcoholic

As mentioned above, John and Kim’s son Andy started to drink. He would stop, then start again. Start, stop. Finally one night, he stole a car and hit another car. The other driver was Lien (Ming Na) his stepbrother’s daughter. When his parents learned what he did, they had to practice what they learned in a 12 step group: detachment with love. They didn’t bail Andy out. They wouldn’t even pay for a lawyer. Andy drank and drove. He had to face the consequences. Andy realized he had to grow up and get treatment. He would have relapses, but a stern talk from his mom would set him straight.

Bob and Kim and Susan=Oh My!

Kim and John were bonding more because of Andy’s drinking: going to 12 step groups, therapy. This left Bob out in the freezing cold. But wait! Someone will keep him warm. Dr. Susan Stewart (Marie Masters) was grateful because Bob helped her kick an addiction to pills. So grateful that they slept together. Oh did I mention Susan was married to Kim’s third husband Dan? And once Susan’s daughter Emily said she wished she could’ve been raised by Dan and Kim because her mother was such a lush? The ladies weren’t friends. When Kim found out, she was ticked. It was brought up delicately what Kim did to Jennifer. Again. Bob and Kim went through therapy, then renewed their vows. Susan dated a new young doctor. The two women never became friends, but tolerated each other.

Hays’ death put me in such a blue funk. I know that sounds odd: I never met the woman. I only knew her from the character she protrayed. I can say this: when you watch someone four/ five times a week for years in your living room, they become family. Kathryn Hays was family, so it made sense I was in a blue funk. I do want to believe wherever she is, Mr. Marland has found her, telling her he’s writing her a great story.

Her last words on ATWT were: “I don’t like goodbyes. I rather say good night.”

Good night, Pal. We’re going to miss you.

Tune in next week…



Jennifer Kathleen Gibbons
Jennifer Kathleen Gibbons

Written by Jennifer Kathleen Gibbons

I am seeking representation for my memoir about helping solve the cold case of Suzanne Bombardier:

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